
TruAge is an epigenetic test that starts with an at-home blood collection kit. Once your sample is sent back to our lab, we analyze patterns of DNA Methylation to identify your Biological Age.

What it means?

DNA is essentially a recipe book for every cell and protein in your body. And a Gene is a tiny segment of DNA that explains a specific step in a larger recipe. Together, groups of genes work together to describe how a cell should be built, how proteins should be folded, and much more.

When a Gene is ON, being read and followed, that means it’s being expressed. Many genes can have degrees of expression, like a dimmer switch slowly turning up a light’s brightness, instead of just an on/off switch.

For instance, if a certain gene that controls how much fat your body stores is only expressing halfway, then your body will store fat less often – but if that same gene is turned on all the way, your body will try to store a lot of fat! (There’s several different genes that work together to control your metabolism and fat deposits, this is just an example)

Epigenetics is the broad term for all the ways our body can add notes in the margins of our DNA recipe book, changing how our genes are expressed, without changing the DNA itself. Epigenetic Markers act like sticky notes, changing how each step of the recipe is read.

Why it matters?

Despite the name, Biological Age doesn’t look at how many candles are on your birthday cake. It’s not your age, it’s your body’s aging at a cellular level.

Cellular aging is the progress of cells dying or forgetting how to function. An easy example of this is skin wrinkles – skin cells lose their flexibility, and don’t recover from damage as quickly, so when the skin creases it begins to hold those creases instead of bouncing back.

Many diseases occur at higher rates when you get older, because more and more of your cells aren’t functioning the way they should. The genes that should control that type of cell aren’t expressing like they used to.

A higher Biological Age is correlated with a higher risk of developing age-related diseases (like Alzheimer’s Disease and Cancers). A lower Biological Age is correlated with reduced risk of disease and a longer lifespan.
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Although epigenetic changes can be passed on over 3 generations, you can still control most of your Biological Aging through your choices.

You can reduce your risk of developing age-related diseases. And you can actually see the Methylation patterns change in response to your lifestyle.

Biological Age is a great way to track how well interventions are working to extend lifespan and improve overall health. Biological Age can also be used to check your current level of disease risk.

Blood sugar can reveal a risk for Diabetes. Blood pressure can reveal a risk for Heart Attack. But Biological Age evaluates your risk for nearly every age-related disease in one easy metric.


If you have any questions or are simply looking for more information please contact us and our friendly team will be happy to answer your questions and help in any way we can. 

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